From 04/29/2015 to 06/20/2015

Exhibition @ Galerie Charlot

Featured Artist


Press Release & Details

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Zaven Paré
Object Oriented

It is impossible to classify in known categories Zaven Paré's work : a neologism, a new discipline, a new field study would be needed but always restrictive. His work is placed at the junction of an infinite number of suggestions, thoughts, interrogations. It is an holistic approach to life through art and vice-versa.

Zaven Paré’s artworks are inspired by literature and theater as well as by philosophic and and anthropologic reflections. This work is enriched by the more recent studies on robotics and behavioral sciences. His production seems to respond favorably to the questions of technological animism, the idea that machines have a soul or that they would have a life of their own.

Zaven Paré builds a singular universe. His works dialogue with the works by directors Georges Meliès and Terry Gilliam as well as with the animations by William Kentridge and mechanical marionettes by Jan Švankmajer.

Zaven Paré researches are at the bottom of the « Uncanny Valley theory » by Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori published in 1970. According to this theory, the more that a robot or doll appears like a person, the more that our emotional response is positive when we are faced with it. But when we get to a certain point, where the robot can be considered almost human, there is a sharp drop in this positive feeling, at the moment when a small difference suddenly reveals that it is not one of us, and so creates a psychological shock.

By an artistic game of quote, deconstruction and reconstruction, of recuperation and hybridization, Zaven Paré assembly some simple materials with the more advanced technologies. The sophistication and complexity of the technology in contrast with the rough material aspect, let us thinking about the soul of the objects.

Valentina Peri

Cathodic Marionnette

by Zaven Paré

Electronic installation
Metal, cables, televisions, DVD player
Unique Piece
50 x 50 x 50 cm


by Zaven Paré

Plastic, metal
45 cm

Cubist doll

by Zaven Paré

Wood and metal
50 cm high

Ocular globes (ensemble)

by Zaven Paré

Wood, metal, plastic
Unique Piece
70 cm

Preparatory drawing

by Zaven Paré


by Zaven Paré

Preparatory drawing
21 × 29,7 cm

Preparatory drawing

by Zaven Paré

Unique Piece

Numbered circuit

Monotype on Arche paper
Unique Piece
25 x 32,5 cm

Numbered circuit

by Zaven Paré

Monotype on Arche paper
Unique Piece
25 x 32,5 cm

Yerevan Cupboard

by Zaven Paré

Sound mobile
Wood, metal, electro-magnet
20 x 27 x 15 cm

Optic sculpture

by Zaven Paré

Copper and glass
Unique Piece
18 x 12 x 10 cm

Scipion et Berganza 3.0

by Zaven Paré

Audiovisual installation
Wood and metal
Unique Piece

Portrait of my mother

by Zaven Paré

Metal and ventilator
130 cm high

Masks duo

by Zaven Paré


Unique Piece
40 cm high

Preparatory Drawings

by Zaven Paré

Tracing paper
Unique Piece

Preparatory Drawings

by Zaven Paré

Tracing paper
Unique Piece

Preparatory Drawings

by Zaven Paré

Tracing paper
Unique Piece

Preparatory Drawings

by Zaven Paré

Tracing paper
Unique Piece

Preparatory Drawings

by Zaven Paré

Tracing paper
Unique Piece

Preparatory Drawings

by Zaven Paré

Tracing paper
Unique Piece

Preparatory Drawings

by Zaven Paré

Tracing paper
Unique Piece

Preparatory Drawings

by Zaven Paré

Tracing paper
Unique piece