


Zaven Paré - L'Âge d'or de la robotique japonaise

The Japanese never cease to give form and life to their own beliefs and stories. Dolls, automata and then robots have all been part of this long line of uniquely Japanese stories, but today they too seem destined to participate in the construction of a new grand narrative. The paradoxical cohabitation of nature and “traditions” with automation, which is present everywhere, is undoubtedly also due to the real relationship that exists in the archipelago between the living and the artificial, and to the absence of contradiction between “conservation” and “progress”. In this book, the author describes and questions the way in which, in the early years of the 21st century, a surprising movement of curiosity underpinned by major technical and technological advances accelerated the development and manufacture of robots that were often surprising, sometimes disquieting, but for the most part, above all vectors of enchantment. This decade, a veritable golden age of robotics in Japan, saw the autonomy of robots truly envisaged on a technical level, and research and experimentation move out of robotics laboratories and into all disciplinary fields, from the various branches of engineering to the manufacture of everyday objects.

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376 pages

ISBN 978-2-251722-28-3