Anne-Lou Buzot

Born in 1990 in Chartres. Lives and works in Saint-Denis. «After a master’s degree in photography from ENS Louis-Lumière in 2014, I specialised in photochemical processes. I see them as a living, experimental language at the service of different forms of creation, and I have made them the core of my various activities: today I am both photographer-author, editor, printer and teacher at the ENS Louis-Lumière laboratory. In each of these activities, I use photochemical processes, deploying them, taming them, renewing them, crossing them, (re)inventing them and passing them on. In this way I develop a kind of linguistics of the photographic medium, in which content and form resonate in the process of creating.»

> Web site of the artist



Errances Américaines

by Anne-Lou Buzot

L’acte photochimique - à l’échelle de l’électron (pixels)

by Anne-Lou Buzot

Photography could be seen as a living language that has been constantly evolving since its invention. The processes or techniques would be its syntax ...